Yesterday, Thursday, Jan. 30, the South Carolina Senate passed S. 62, the K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund program, intended to replace the Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF). Following the state Supreme Court’s September 2024 ruling that recipients could not use program funds for nonpublic school education, the bill passed by a vote of 32-12 (see how your senator voted HERE).
Director of the South Carolina Catholic Conference, Michael F. Acquilano, J.D., released a statement about the U.S. Supreme Court taking up the South Carolina Planned Parenthood case.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Please take a moment to reach out to your elected officials and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving — let’s thank them for their service to our state in the legislature.
After the South Carolina Supreme Court ruling in September that the Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) could no longer be used to fund nonpublic school tuition, hundreds of families were left scrambling to keep their children in their school of choice. The program that had brought hope for education to Palmetto State families was ripped away just a few weeks into the school year.
Today’s the day! Elections are finally here. Before casting your ballot, consider asking your guardian angel and the Holy Spirit to be with you, give you wisdom and guide your decision.
Director of the South Carolina Catholic Conference, Michael F. Acquilano, released a statement urging Gov. Henry McMaster to use his authority to grant clemency for Richard B. Moore.
We are elated to announce that the second quarter tuition for all Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) students in our Catholic schools has been funded!
By another 3-2 split, the South Carolina Supreme Court refused requests from Gov. Henry McMaster and state Superintendent Ellen Weaver for a rehearing on the constitutionality of the Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF).
October is Respect Life Month, and we take the special opportunity to celebrate the life that God has given to each member of the human family. Jesus, Author of Life, have mercy on us! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
40 Days for Life aims to end the violence of abortion and the abortion industry through peaceful prayer vigils. Through this initiative, over 148 abortion centers have been shut down, 256 workers have been able to leave the industry, and nearly 25,000 children’s lives have been saved.