With much joy and gratitude in this season of Advent, we thank God for another successful year of promoting and advancing Catholic legislation in South Carolina.
This was a year for championing the common good in our state.
Capital punishment was enjoined and prohibited in our state.
Churches were provided protection as essential businesses.
Doctors were afforded their medical conscience rights and religious liberty protections.
Medicaid was expanded and extended to 12 months postpartum for new and expecting mothers.
Paid family leave was expanded to fathers and adoptions and extended to 12 weeks for full-time state employees.
Individual conscience rights were upheld and protected against vaccine mandates.
Women’s sports were saved by preventing biological male competition in female athletics.
Daniel’s Law was reformed to provide parents the opportunity to safely surrender their baby up to 60 days postpartum.
Faith-based foster care and adoption organizations were protected from government discrimination.
$2.4 million was granted to provide a statewide pregnancy support system.
$200 thousand was allocated to St. Clare’s Home in the state budget.
Thank you for your support and advocacy. We look forward to the new year and a fresh start to the upcoming 2023-2024 legislative session!
St. John the Baptist, patron of our state, pray for us!