2025 LEGISLATIVE SESSION The second week of the legislative session was a relatively quiet one at the South Carolina State House. Both chambers worked in committee and did not meet on the floor, and as much as three inches of snow hit the state capital. At the federal level, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on Thursday, Jan. 24. Bishop Daniel E. Thomas of Toledo, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Pro-Life Activities, said, “The House of Representatives took decisive action to protect innocent babies from infanticide. Babies are being left to die after failed abortions — denied care and basic human compassion.” This protection for abortion survivors is long overdue and the Catholic Conference commends Congress for this step. In other news, the National March for Life is taking place this weekend in Washington, D.C. We pray for the safety of all who are traveling to stand up for the preborn and for an end to abortion across our country. The 47th president of the United States was sworn in on Monday, Jan. 20. We pray for President Trump as he begins his second term in office, and for all our public officials. May they always fight for the common good of all people to make our nation a better, more just place to live, worship God, work and raise a family. See more details on this week's highlights below! |
Coming Up We look forward to next week when our state Senate is expected to continue the debate on a new school choice program, the K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship Fund program. If you have not already done so, please click the button below to send a message to your senator and tell them to support school choice in the Palmetto State! |