A blessed Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! Today and throughout the month of June, the Church celebrates Christ’s sacred heart — pierced for our sins and died for our redemption. This solemnity reminds us of the burning, eternal love and longing that the Lord has for each of us. Our world is lost in the confusion of sin, especially the vice of pride. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, fell into the snare of this sin when they ate the fruit in the garden. They desired to be like God. St. Thomas Aquinas said that pride “is the most grievous of sins” because when man falls into pride, he attempts to place himself above God (Summa Theologica II-II.162.6). We see a contrast with the heart of our Lord, who is “meek and humble of heart” (Mt 11:29). As Catholics, let us imitate the virtues of the Christ, especially humility, and do our best to root out pride within our own hearts. We can increase our devotion to the Sacred Heart by keeping it fixed in our minds. Jesus offers us 12 special promises when we are especially devoted to his Sacred Heart. Read them here. Today also happens to be first Friday! Learn more on the First Friday devotion to the Sacred Heart here. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! ![]() REPLY TO: [email protected] |