As Catholics, we know the value of fasting and keeping watch. In the Gospel, there was a certain demon that could not be cast out by the Apostles. Jesus told them that it could only be driven out “prayer and fasting” (Mk 9:29). In fact, Jesus prayed and fasted for 40 days before beginning his ministry. We know these pillars strengthen us in our ministry of fighting for the rights of the unborn.
40 Days for Life aims to end the violence of abortion and the abortion industry through peaceful prayer vigils. Through this initiative, over 148 abortion centers have been shut down, 256 workers have been able to leave the industry, and nearly 25,000 children’s lives have been saved.
There is no greater love than sacrifice. Please consider a sacrificial hour of your time each week during the campaign to go to the clinics, keep watch and pray for an end to abortion. Christ Jesus asks that we keep watch and pray for one hour with him (Mt 26:40), so let us do so in honor of the lives lost to abortion each day in our state.
There are three clinics in operation in South Carolina — Charleston, Columbia and Greenville. 40 Days for Life has a vigil in each location.
Please spread the word about these opportunities to prayerfully defend the life of the unborn and offer a sacrifice to God, creator and father of all life.